by Matt Gibson
The tropical frangipani flower is cultivated for its distinct colorful clusters of bright, waxy, long lasting, sweet-smelling flowers. Native to the tropical regions of South America, Mexico, Caribbean, and Pacific Islands, the propeller-shaped flower is available in shades of white, yellow, red, pink, and many different pastels. Near the tips of its widely-spaced, round or pointed, thick, succulent branches, the frangipani plant has long, leathery, flesh-like, mid-green leaves. The flowers are commonly used to make leis (floral garlands popularized by Hawaiian culture). The blooms are long-lasting and are also great for cut flower arrangements.
As frangipani has been naturalized to tropicalareas all around the globe, it has earned a long list of names. Frangipani isalso known as Plumeria, Hawaiian Lea, Temple Tree, Champa, Dead Man’s Fingers,Egg Flower, and Amapola. To keep frangipani small and compact in areas withcold winters, the plant can be grown in containers when the weather cools inthe fall. In tropical regions, plumeria can be cultivated outdoors as largeshrubs or trees which can grow over 30 feet tall.
Varieties of Frangipani
Frangipani is from the Plumeria genus and issplit into two main groups, obtusa and rubra. Plumeria rubra has more colorfulflowers which are less fragrant, with dull, pointed leaves. Plumeria obtusagenerally has white flowers and a powerful scent, with round, shiny leaves.
Aside from obtusa and rubra, there are ahandful of hybrids that you can find. Like the obtusa, the Plumeria stenophyllaare only available in shades of white, off-white, and cream. The flowers on thestenophylla are long and thinner than rubra and obtusa petals. The bloom lookssimilar to a ceiling fan.
The blooms of the Plumeria pudica looks verysimilar to the obtusa species and like many plumeria species, they are onlyavailable in white and cream. Also like obtusa, they can be evergreen in warmerlocations. The pudica’s leaves are incredibly unique, looking very similar to asoup spoon. The flowers are shaped similarly to the rubra but with more spacein between petals. A new pink-bloom variety of pudica is the only species ofpudica that is not a shade of white.
Other hybrid varieties include PlumeriaStenopetala, Plumeria Tuberculata and Plumeria Caracasana.
Growing Conditions for Frangipani
Frangipani needs at least six hours of brightsunlight exposure each day, preferably in full sun, but can do well in theshade. Frangipani prefers a well draining soil of any type except for clay. OptimalpH levels should be in the 6.5 to 7 range. Poor drainage can lead to root rot.Warm, moist air and tropical conditions are what frangipani prefers. When grownindoors, plumeria needs a season of colder temperatures to encourage dormancy(50 to 55 degrees F).
Care of Frangipani
Outdoor frangipani plants need about one inchof water per week, aside from their dormancy period, in which case, they shouldnot be manually watered. Indoor frangipani require one inch of water per week,allowing the soil to completely dry out between waterings. Indoor frangipanialso have a winter dormancy period, during which watering should slow to oneinch every two to three weeks. Fertilize twice during the growing season, onceat the beginning of spring and once at the beginning of fall with a wellbalanced, slow-release, organic fertilizer.
Toxicity Warning!
Wear safety goggles and garden gloves at alltimes when handling frangipani. All parts of the plant are considered toxic,but the most toxic part is the sap. Frangipani flowers are mildly toxic to bothanimals and humans. If an entire flower is ingested, children or pets willexperience a mild upset stomach. The frangipani tree exudes a sticky, milky sapthat is considered a skin irritant that can cause rashing and blistering.Ingestion of the sap or bark may cause diarrhea and vomiting.
How to Propagate Frangipani
Frangipani can easily be propagated from stemcuttings. Propagate plumeria in late spring or early summer by removing a stemor branch from an already established tree, using sharp, sterilized pruningshears or scissors. Carefully remove foliage from the bottom end and leave thestem upright to cure for one to four weeks. Allow time for the bottom end todry out completely. Move the cutting to a container filled with coarse sand andwater. Check on it once per week until roots begin to develop. Once roots havesprouted, move the cutting into a container or directly into the garden.
Pruning Frangipani
Frangipani is tolerant of pruning and can becut back in several different ways. To create a central trunk, trim back alllower branches to the base of the trunk during development. To promote density,prune branches back one half to two thirds to encourage multiple branches tosprout from the cut site. Keep in mind while pruning that since blooms onlyoccur at the end of branches, pruned branches will not produce blooms until thefollowing year. The best time to prune your frangipani is in late winter toearly spring.
Garden Pests and Diseases ofFrangipani
The frangipani caterpillar (Pseudosphinxtetrio), or frangipani moth, is the main pest that attacks frangipani, and islarge, colorful, and poisonous. Caterpillars will feast on the leaves of theplant but usually don’t damage any other parts of the tree. Caterpillars can beremoved by hand, but they are poisonous and can bite, so be sure to wearprotective gloves. White scale insects, whiteflies, mealybugs, and nematodescan all cause damage to frangipani plants. Organic insecticides can handle anyminor infestations, and manual insect removal using blasts of water can alsowipe out small pest issues. Poor drainage or overly wet soil can lead to rootrot.
Common Questions and AnswersAbout Frangipani
Are frangipani and plumeria thesame?
Plumeria is the botanical genus name for sevenor eight species of plants in the Apocynaceae family commonly calledfrangipani. Other common names for plants in the plumeria genus includegraveyard tree, lei flower, nosegay, pagoda tree, temple tree, Singaporeplumeria, red plumeria, and West Indian jasmine.
Are frangipani poisonous?
Yes, all parts of the frangipani plant are toxic to humans as well as dogs, cats, and other animals. If eaten, contact the Poison Control Center at (800)222-1222. It may be necessary to induce vomiting and seek medical assistance. Humans will only feel ill after ingesting the equivalent of at least one entire flower, though frangipani bark and sap can also cause a reaction. Symptoms of ingestion include diarrhea and vomiting. The flowers, bark, and sap within leaves are irritating to some people’s eyes and skin, resulting in temporary blindness and skin rash or blisters. Skin contact with any part of the plant can cause stomach cramping and discomfort in some individuals, so safety goggles and gardening gloves should be used when handling frangipani.
The toxicity risk is mild to pets, with ingestion of flowers, bark, or sap within the leaves causing diarrhea, excessive salivation, and vomiting. In most cases when pets have ingested frangipani, they can be monitored at home—but pet owners should contact their veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435 for guidance on their specific situation. The flowers, bark, and sap of frangipani are irritating to the eyes and skin of pets, as they are to people.
Are frangipanis succulents?
Frangipani are not succulents—they aredeciduous or semi-evergreen shrubs and trees in the dogbane family.
Are frangipani roots invasive?
Frangipani are not invasive; in fact, the rootsystems are so shallow they have been known to blow over in high winds. Theroot ball is small, and there is no need for concern when planting frangipaninear structures or other plants.
Are frangipani trees fastgrowing?
Although frangipani can grow to be quite large(six meters high by five meters wide, or about 20 feet by 16 feet), they arerather slow to grow. On average, frangipani grow 20 centimeters, or about eightinches, each year.
Are there different types offrangipani?
Yes, there are several species of plantincluded in the plumeria genus commonly called frangipani. These includePlumeria obtusa, Plumeria pudica,Plumeria rubra, Plumeria stenophylla, andvarious hybrids, such as Plumeria Caracasana, Plumeria stenopetala, andPlumeria tuberculata.
Can frangipani grow indoors?
Yes, with proper conditions, frangipani can be grown indoors. Seedlings need a six-inch pot and will graduate to larger sizes as they grow, but all containers should have drainage holes. Plant with quick-draining potting soil, being sure to cover the entire root ball. Find a place for your frangipani where it will get six to eight hours per day of sunlight. (Though frangipani can tolerate shade, it flourishes in sunlight.) Optimally, frangipani prefer the temperature to average 65 degrees Fahrenheit, or about 18 degrees Celsius.
Provide indoor frangipani with an inch ofwater per week, allowing soil to dry completely between waterings. Never letfrangipani get too soggy, or it will be susceptible to root rot and otherproblems. Feed yearly in the summer with a liquid fish and seaweed fertilizercontaining nitrogen, potash, and phosphorous according to the manufacturer’sdosage instructions. Always use safety goggles and gardening gloves whenhandling frangipani to avoid the toxicity effects, which include stomachcramping, irritation to the eyes causing temporary blindness, and skin rash orblistering.
Can frangipani rust spread toother plants?
Yes, frangipani rust can travel on spores toother plants in the surrounding area. Signs of frangipani rust include discolorationof leaves (yellowing or a rusty color) as well as premature leaf drop. Thedisease does not have other health effects in the long term, so it can besimply tolerated. Use copper fungicide every 10 days if your plant retains itsleaves in winter. There is no treatment for leaves already showing symptoms.However, you can prevent the spread of frangipani rust by properly disposing ofall fallen leaves and other plant debris on a regular basis. Always use safetygoggles and gardening gloves to handle frangipani, as it’s toxic and causesskin and eye irritation, temporary blindness, and stomach cramping when touchedor ingested.
Can you bonsai a frangipani?
Frangipani can be grown in small pots to keepthem miniature, but they are not suitable for true bonsai. Even when cultivatedto a small size, frangipani leaves will not reduce in scale and the tree willnot develop fine branching. Their slow growing speed also makes them a poorchoice for bonsai.
Can you cut back frangipanitrees?
Yes, you can prune frangipani trees, but weargardening gloves and safety goggles, because all parts of the tree are toxic(including the sap inside the leaves) and can cause skin rash or blisters, eyeirritation and temporary blindness, and stomach cramping if touched oringested. Late spring or winter after the leaves have fallen are the best timesfor pruning frangipani. Shelter the tree from direct sunlight for a few daysafter pruning, or if that is not possible, choose a day when extreme weather isnot expected. Always use clean, sterilized gardening tools when pruning.
For the first three to four years, removeabout three inches from the main stem, cutting near to a branch junction and onan angle. If you want a single-trunk tree shape as opposed to a more boxlikeshrub shape, select a few secondary branches coming off the main stem andremove the rest to encourage the frangipani to focus development on one maintrunk. If vehicles or foot traffic pass nearby, you may wish to remove somelower growth. Any branches that are damaged, diseased, or infested should bepruned as problems appear instead of yearly, cutting at the junction to themain trunk.
Can you eat frangipani?
All parts of the frangipani plant (flowers, bark, and sap within the leaves) are mildly toxic to humans and pets alike, so frangipani should not be ingested. Consumption can result in vomiting, diarrhea, or excessive salivation. If the milky sap gets in the eyes, it can cause irritation that leads to temporary blindness, while contact with skin can lead to irritation, rash, or blisters. Contact your veterinarian or the ASPCA Poison Control Hotline at 888-426-4435 if your pet ingests or comes in contact with frangipani. Always use gardening gloves and safety goggles when working with frangipani to avoid these effects.
Can you grow frangipani in pots?
Yes, frangipani can be grown in pots withdrainage holes and kept indoors or outdoors. Seedlings will need a six-inch potand will move up to larger sizes as they get larger. Plant with the root ballentirely covered by quick-draining potting soil. Use gardening gloves andsafety goggles when you’re working with frangipani plants. They’re toxic andwill cause blisters to the skin or skin rashes as well as temporary blindness,eye irritation, and stomach cramping whether eaten or touched.
Can you plant a frangipanicutting straight into the ground?
It’s best to take a few extra steps beforeputting a frangipani cutting into the ground. Use gardening gloves and safetygoggles, as all parts of the frangipani tree are toxic and can cause skinrashes, eye irritation leading to temporary blindness, and stomach cramping iftouched or ingested. Propagate in late spring or early summer by cutting a stemor branch from an established tree, using sterilized tools. Remove foliage fromthe bottom end and leave the stem upright to cure for one to four weeks,allowing the bottom end to dry out completely. Then move the cutting to acontainer of coarse sand and water, checking on it about once a week to watchfor roots to develop. Once roots have sprouted, the cutting can be transplantedinto a container or straight into the ground.
Can you prune frangipani trees?
You can prune frangipani trees, but use theprecaution of gardening gloves and safety goggles. The bark, sap, and foliageof frangipani trees are toxic and cause skin rashes, eye irritation andtemporary blindness, and stomach cramps if touched or eaten. The best time forpruning is once leaves have dropped in late spring or winter. If your tree canbe moved, shelter it from sunlight for a few days after pruning, and if not,choose a day when extreme weather is not expected to avoid stressing the tree.
The first three or four years of the tree’sgrowth, cut back about three inches from the main stem, making your cut asclose to a branch junction as you can and at an angle. If you’re striving for atree shape instead of a more square shrub shape, select one main trunk andremove all but a few selected secondary branches from the main stem toencourage the tree to develop that main trunk. If your tree is positioned neara walkway or driveway, you may wish to clear lower branches away. Always removebranches that are damaged, diseased, or infested as problems appear, cuttingwhere they join the main trunk.
Do frangipanis drop their leaves?
Yes, frangipani will lose their leaves during the dormant period in winter. You can learn more in our article with top questions and answers about dormancy.
Do frangipanis have seed pods?
Yes, frangipani have seed pods that aretwin-lobed, resembling conjoined black bananas. Seed pods begin with a greenshade and turn black as they grow, even through the dormant season. Podsusually ripen to maturity in early spring, then dry and split to scatter the 25to 60 seeds each pod holds. You can collect seed pods without losing any seedsby wrapping the developing pods in cheesecloth (carefully and loosely).
Do frangipani lose leaves inwinter?
As temperatures drop under 50 degrees Fahrenheit or 10 degrees Celsius, frangipani leaves will turn yellow and eventually fall. Losing leaves is a normal part of frangipani’s dormancy period.
Do frangipanis flower every year?
Certain conditions must be met for frangipani to do their annual flowering, and they aren’t mature enough to flower until, on average, three years old. In the northern hemisphere, they flower in the summer months. A frangipani that is not flowering can be encouraged to do so by ensuring it gets at least six hours of bright sunlight, feeding with a high-phosphorus fertilizer or a supplement containing micronutrients like boron, calcium, copper, magnesium, and sulfur, and watering as soon as the surface of the soil dries out. Proper pruning can encourage blooming after a rest of two years or so, but make sure to wear gardening gloves and safety goggles, as frangipani is toxic and causes skin blistering, eye irritation leading to temporary blindness, and stomach cramping when touched or ingested. Frangipani may also fail to bloom if the plant is infested with insects such as aphids, thrips, or mealybugs. You can treat for these insects with a homemade spray of one liter of warm water, four or five drops of dish soap, and a teaspoon of neem oil.
Do frangipanis need a lot ofwater?
Frangipani planted in the soil outdoors need about an inch of water per week, except during their dormancy period, when they should not be watered. Frangipani growing indoors need one inch of water or so each week, with the soil drying out completely between waterings. You can learn more about dormancy in plants in this article.
Do frangipanis need full sun?
In order to flourish and flower, frangipanineed at least six hours of bright sunlight each day. However, they can tolerategrowing in shade.
How can I make my frangipani growfaster?
To make frangipani grow faster, provide itwith care suited to its preferences and needs. The best way to help frangipaniflourish is to make sure the plant gets at least six hours of bright sunlighteach day. They also need about an inch of water per week (except for thedormancy period for outdoor plants), but the soil must be allowed to drycompletely between waterings to avoid root rot. Give frangipani plenty ofnutrients with an organic fertilizer containing nitrogen, potassium (orpotash), and phosphorous, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
How do I get rid of frangipanirust?
Rust is unsightly and causes affected foliageto become discolored and drop, but does not affect the health of the plant longterm, so some gardeners choose to simply tolerate the disease. However, it canspread to other plants on airborne spores. You can prevent frangipani rust bycarefully cleaning up fallen leaves and other plant debris on a regular basisand disposing of it. (Remember to use gardening gloves and safetygoggles—frangipani is toxic and, if ingested or touched, can cause stomachcramping, eye irritation and temporary blindness, and skin blistering.) There’sno way to recover foliage already showing signs of frangipani rust, but you geta fresh start when leaves drop during the dormancy period. If your plantretains its leaves during dormancy, you can use a copper fungicide to treat forfrangipani rust.
How do you dry frangipaniflowers?
Do not handle frangipani to dry them withoutgardening gloves and safety goggles, as the plant causes blistering of theskin, irritation to eyes including temporary blindness, and stomach cramping iftouched or ingested. To dry your own frangipani flowers, first cut the onesyou’d like to save using clean, sterilized gardening shears. Leave the stemsattached at this point even if you’ll be removing them later. Gather theflowers by the stems into a bunch and tie them together with a secure knotusing string or twine, leaving enough excess to hang the bouquet. Find a dark,dry room where the frangipani can dry undisturbed and people won’t brush bythem and cause damage. Use the string to suspend the bunch of frangipani flowersupside down from a hook or other fixture. Leave them to dry for at least twoweeks or maybe more, until the moisture has completely evaporated and flowershave a papery texture. Once dried, you can remove the stems if you like. Storedried frangipani flowers by wrapping loosely in paper and placing in a box withholes punched in the top, bottom, and sides.
How do you grow frangipanicuttings?
The best time to propagate from cuttings is inlate spring or early summer. Use clean, sterilized gardening tools and takeyour cutting from a well established tree. Strip leaves and flowers from thebottom end of your cutting and sit it upright for between one and four weeks,until the cut end is entirely dry. Once it’s dried, the cutting is ready tomove to a container of coarse sand and water to root. Check for developingroots once a week, and once they’ve sprouted, you can plant the frangipani in acontainer or move right into the soil in an outdoor garden.
How do you keep frangipaniflowers alive?
There are two different ways to increase thelifespan of cut frangipani so you can enjoy them in arrangements. Remember touse safety goggles and gardening gloves when you handle frangipani, as allparts of the plant are toxic and, if ingested or touched, can cause skin andeye irritation with rash or blistering, temporary blindness, and stomachcramping. You can keep cut frangipani flowers fresh for 24 hours by giving thema 10-minute in cold water or freshen them for 48 hours by refrigerating them.You can also dry frangipani flowers to use them in arrangements. (Instructionsfor drying frangipani are just two questions above.)
How do you transplant afrangipani?
When you’re transplanting frangipani, weargardening gloves and safety goggles as the foliage, flowers, sap, and bark aretoxic. Touching or consuming frangipani can cause stomach cramps, eyeirritation and temporary blindness, and skin rashes or blistering. First,choose an optimum location for transplanting—one with well-draining soil infull sun or partial shade with plenty of room for the frangipani to grow. Onlytransplant frangipani during spring or summer, when the weather is temperateand won’t add to the plant’s stress.
Dig a trench around the plant you’re moving,going deep enough to get underneath the root ball. You may cut a rootoccasionally, but avoid slicing through the main network. Then lift out yourfrangipani and move it as carefully and gently as possible to the new spotyou’ve picked out. Dig your hole, going twice as deep and wide as the root ballof your plant. Position the plant in the center of the hole you’ve dug and fillin around it with the soil that came out of the hole. Water deeply enough tolet soil settle, but do not tamp it down. Cover the surface of the soil with atwo-inch bed of mulch like wood chips, compost, or tree bark, leaving spacebetween the tree trunk and your mulch.
How fast do frangipanis grow?
Frangipani don’t grow particularly quickly,though they can get sizable (up to six meters high by five meters wide, or 20feet by 16 feet or so). Their average production is 20 centimeter (eightinches) a year.
How long do you leave frangipanicuttings before planting?
Allow a frangipani cutting to cure by sittingit upright for one to four weeks, or until the bottom end of the cutting hasdried out completely. For best results, before planting, allow roots to grow ina container of coarse sand and water. Once roots develop, then plant thefrangipani into the garden bed or container of your choice.
How long does it take for afrangipani to flower?
After planting, it takes frangipani an averageof three years to begin flowering. After pruning, new branches take about twoyears to mature enough to bloom.
How often do you water afrangipani?
Water frangipani when the soil it’s planted in has dried out completely. On average, frangipani that are potted in containers or frangipani planted in outdoor soil both need about an inch of water each week. Don’t overwater, or you risk your frangipani contracting root rot and other problems.
How many colors do frangipaniscome in?
Frangipani flowers come in 300 differentshades, though white and yellow are most common. There are also a profusion offlorid tropical colors and pinks, cotton candy, lilac, orange, tricolor (fruitsalad), Darwin blood red, peach, and mango. Bicolors, tricolors, and striped orvariegated blooms also exist.
How much sun does a frangipanineed?
Optimally, frangipani need at least six hoursof bright sunlight per day to flower and thrive. More than six hours of bright sunper day is preferred, but frangipani will even tolerate partial shade.
How tall do frangipani trees grow?
On average, fully grown frangipani treesstretch to six meters or 20 feet wide and five meters or about 16 feet wide.
Is frangipani a tree?
Frangipani is the common name for plumeria, agenus containing species of deciduous and semi-evergreen flowering shrubs andtrees in the dogbane family.
Is frangipani rust dangerous tohumans?
Frangipani rust poses no risk to humans—infact, though it can be unsightly and cause frangipani to lose leaves, itnormally does not threaten the overall health of the tree long term. However,the airborne spores can spread the disease to surrounding plants.
What causes rust on frangipani?
Frangipani rust is a fungal disease that’sspread through the air as spores are moved along the wind from plant to plant.The spores stick to foliage when it’s damp. You can prevent frangipani rust bycarefully cleaning fallen leaves and other plant debris and disposing of itproperly. Affected leaves cannot be recovered and will fall from the tree. Whenthe tree loses all its leaves during its dormancy, it will be free of rust.However, if your tree retains its leaves during its dormancy, you can treatwith a copper fungicide. Whenever you work with a frangipani plant, you shouldwear safety goggles and garden gloves, as it’s toxic and can irritate skin andeyes, leading to blisters, temporary blindness, or stomach cramps when it’seaten or touched.
What do frangipanis symbolize?
Frangipani has different meanings acrossseveral cultures. It has come to symbolize connection with the spirit world orlost loved ones, inner spirit to overcome life’s challenges, hospitality orwelcome (as when it’s used in Hawaiian leis), romantic love and commitment, andimmortality.
What is another name forfrangipani?
Frangipani’s botanical name is plumeria,though it’s also known as graveyard tree, lei flower, nosegay, pagoda tree,temple tree, Singapore plumeria, red plumeria, and West Indian jasmine.
What is the best fertilizer forfrangipani?
Frangipani thrive with organic fertilizercontaining plenty of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (or potash).
What is the best potting mix forfrangipani?
Frangipani planted in containers do best witha premium quickly draining potting mix that does not include added watercrystals or wetting agents.
What kind of soil do frangipanislike?
Frangipani growing in outdoor gardens need quickly draining soil of any type except clay, with an optimum pH range of 6.5 to 7.0. (If you’re unsure of your soil’s pH level, check out our article on how to test soil pH.)
What month do frangipanis flower?
In the northern hemisphere, frangipani bloomin late spring and summer, and in the southern hemisphere, they blossomNovember through April.
Where do frangipanis grow inAustralia?
Australian frangipani grow in warm coastalareas, including Sydney, Queensland, and around the northern coast to Perth.
Which part of frangipani ispoisonous?
All parts of frangipani plants are poisonousto humans and pets alike, including the flowers, bark, and sap.
Why are my frangipani leavescurling?
Curled leaves on frangipani could signal that insects have been sucking the sap from the plant, such as aphids, mites, mealybugs, or thrips. You can make a homemade treatment against these insects out of a liter of warm water, four or five drops of dish soap, and a teaspoon of neem oil. Remember to wear gardening gloves and safety goggles when you work with frangipani, as it’s toxic and can cause skin irritation or blisters, eye irritation that results in temporary blindness, or stomach cramping when touched or eaten.
Want to learn more about frangipani?
Gardening Australia covers Frangipani
All Things Frangipani covers About Frangipanis
All Things Frangipani covers Frangipanis Species
All Things Frangipani covers Growing Frangipanis
All Things Frangipani covers Frangipanis FAQs
ausbonsai covers Can you Bonsai Frangipani Tree
Aussie Organic Gardening covers Transplanting Frangipani
Better Homes & Gardens covers How to Grow Frangipanis covers Frangipani Facts
University of Florida covers Frangipani Rust
Bunnings Warehouse covers How to Grow and Care for Frangipani
Burkes Backyard covers Frangipani Rust
Children’s Health Queensland Hospital and Health Service covers Frangipani
Eastern Reporter Community covers Blooming good tips for growing frangipanis
Flower Meaning covers Frangipani Meaning
Flower Power covers Frangipani Facts
USDA Forest Service covers Poisonous Plants Plumeria Roba
National Gardening Association covers Plumeria
Gardena covers Plumerias
Garden Clinic covers Frangipani
Garden Guides covers How to Dry Frangipani Flowers
Gardening Know How covers Growing Plumeria
Gardening Know How covers Plumeria that Does Not Bloom
SFGate Homeguides covers Transplant Frangipani
SFGate Homeguides covers Frangipani Seed Pods
SFGate Homeguides covers How to Make Edible Frangipani Flowers
SFGate Homeguides covers Plumeria Drops Leaves
SFGate Homeguides covers Plumeria Leaf Curl
SFGate Homeguides covers Problem Growing Frangipanis
SFGate Homeguides covers Pruning Potten Frangipani
SFGate Homeguides covers Trim Frangipani Tree
Homes to Love covers Frangipani Rust
Homes to Love covers Frangipanis Plant Guide
Homes to Love covers How to Grow Frangipani
Homes to Love covers How to Grow Frangipani from Cutting
Hunker covers Growing Frangipani Indoors
Hunker covers How to Preserve Plumeria Flowers
Plumeria 101 covers Stem Rot
The Flower Expert covers Tropical Frangipani Flowers
The Frangipani Man covers Care of Frangipani
wikiHow covers Care for Frangipanis
Yates covers Frangipani