How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (2024)

The Garage


Tire sizes are a little tougher to read than t-shirt sizes, but not by much. Let us show you how.

How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (1)

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Nobody truly enjoys spending money on new tires. They’re expensive, wear more quickly than we’d like, and can be a real pain to determine the right kind. Those may come to mind when buying new rubber, but have you actually taken the time to understand what the sizes and markings on your tires mean?

For better or worse, we live in a world where litigation is king and where companies are careful to list every possible warning and bit of information that they can on a product. Tires are absolutely no exception, but the sizing figures you’ll find on the side of your new Michelins are a bit more complicated than just a number or letter.

The sizing information on your tires can tell you many things, not just the size. The letters and numbers tell you how fast you can drive, how heavy a load the tires can handle, and can even give you an idea of how comfortable those tires will be to live with on a daily basis. Let’s get into tire sizes and why they’re important.

Warning: The Drive’s editors are going to ask you to do some math in this post. We’re sorry.

How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (2)

Why Do I Need To Know The Size Tire That Comes On My Car?

Well, for starters, we assume you want to get the right size tire when you have to pony up the cash? Your local tire shop can look up the tires that came on your car, but what if you bought an options package with a special wheel size? What if the person that owned the car before you put on custom wheels?

What Do Speed Ratings Mean, And Why Do They Matter?

A tire’s speed rating is the speed at which it can safely carry a load. Different types of tires carry different speed ratings. For instance, an S-rated tire can handle 112 mph, while a Y-rated tire can safely handle up to 186 mph.

Common Speed Ratings (miles per hour represents the maximum safe speed for each rating):

  • S: 112 mph
  • T: 118 mph
  • U: 124 mph
  • H: 130 mph
  • V: 149 mph
  • Z: >149 mph
  • W: 168 mph
  • Y: 186 mph

You might be asking why Z-rated tires don’t hold the title for the fastest tire. That’s because when Z-rated tires were introduced, it was common thinking that 149 mph was the fastest a tire could ever safely be rated. Now, we know better, which is why there are a total of three ratings on top of Z’s former top spot. Above Y-rated tires are (Y)-rated tires, which can travel more than 186 mph.

How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (3)

Here’s How To Read Tire Sizes And Change Tire-Wheel Sizes

Let’s do this!

Reading Tire Sizes

  1. Locate the tire’s sidewall, which is the portion between the wheel and the tread.
  2. You will see several notations on the sidewall, including a brand name and a model name.
  3. The tires’ size will be prominently listed on the sidewall. This is a string of letters and numbers that usually starts with “P.” For this example, we’ll use P215/55R17 tires, found on a 2019 Toyota Camry Hybrid.
    • “P” refers to the fact that a tire is P-Metric, which means it meets standards put in place in the United States for passenger vehicle tires.
    • The number immediately after that, 215 in this case, indicates the tire’s width. This tire is 215 millimeters wide.
    • The aspect ratio is listed directly after the slash. These tires have an aspect ratio of 55, which means that the tire’s height is 55 percent of its width. The larger this number, the “taller” a tire is.
    • The “R” here stands for radial, which indicates that the layers are configured radially across the tire.
    • The last number here is 17, which is a measure of the wheel diameter.
    • Many tires will feature another number at the end of the string, accompanied by a letter. This indicates the load index and speed rating.

That’s it! You did it!

Changing Tire Sizes

We know that you may get bored with your ride’s rubber, did you know you can size them up or down? Let’s do this.

  1. To change wheel size, you’ll need to determine the overall diameter of the wheel and tire. This is important to keep your vehicle’s on-board measurement tools, such as the speedometer, accurate.
    • To do this properly, you’ll need to multiply the tire’s aspect ratio by two, which will give you the overall width that the tire adds to the wheel.
    • Convert to inches and add this number to the wheel’s diameter. This will give you the entire rolling diameter of your current tire and wheel setup.
    • You’ll need to do the same calculations to find out how big or small you want the new wheel to be. The new wheel and tire diameter will need to be the same as the old tire and wheel diameter.
How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (4)

Tire Size Terms You Need to Know

Tire Types

We won’t get too deep into this topic in this post, but it’s important to understand that tire size is just one factor when it comes to picking out the right rubber for your car. Your vehicle likely left the factory with all-season tires, which are meant to work in a wide variety of temperatures and weather conditions, but not all.

Dedicated summer and winter tires are beneficial for people who live and drive in warm and cold climates, respectively. Make sure that the type of tire you pick is aligned with where you live and drive regularly.

Wheel Sizing

Many of today’s wheel sizes are larger and more complex than even the most expensive and exclusive custom wheels from just ten years ago. Some automakers are moving up to 22-inches and above for SUV and pickup truck tires, which would have been unheard of outside of a few over-the-top customs debuting at SEMA.

Drive Wheels

If your vehicle is front-, rear-, or all-wheel drive, you’ll be faced with different requirements on rotating and buying new tires. Depending on which wheels are being driven on your vehicle, you may have to buy all four tires at once, or you might be able to get away with just two at a time.


People probably spend a lot less time thinking about their tires’ sidewalls now that whitewalls aren’t really a thing anymore, but they’re an important part of understanding a tire’s size. The sidewall is the vertical portion of a tire that starts where the rubber connects to the wheel and ends where the tire tread begins.


Tire treads are the part of the rubber that actually meets the road. You’ll need to understand how wide the tire treads are in order to accurately measure the tire’s size. Treads also gain importance when we’re talking about different types of tires, as the pattern and arrangement of treads vary for each specific tire.


How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (5)

How to Read Tire Sizes: The Drive's Garage Guide (2024)


What are the numbers on a tire size guide? ›

Example tire number: P215/65R15 95H

The number 215 indicates the tire width in millimeters from sidewall to sidewall, so 215 millimeters in this case. 65 is the aspect ratio code, which means the ratio of its height to width. This tire has a height equal to 65% of its width. R indicates radial construction.

What does P215 55R17 mean? ›

You find your tire size on the side of your tire. You'll see a number like P215/55R17 97V. The 215 is the width in mm, 55 is the aspect ratio and 17 is the diameter.

How to read 265 70R17? ›

An arrow points to the numbers 265/70R17 115T on the inner part of the tire sidewall. 265 is the width, 70 is the aspect ratio, R stands for radial, 17 is the wheel diameter and 115T is the load index and speed symbol.

Can I use 205 65 R16 instead of 205 55R16? ›

Properly, no. A 205/65R16 sized tire has a much taller sidewall compared to a 205/55R16 tire. If you used the taller sidewall tire you would very much lessen the handing, stability and control of your vehicle. In fact, you'd be all over the road.

Can you use 225 tires instead of 235? ›

Yes you could but it would reduce the overall diameter of the wheel and tyre, so the height would be slightly less, as would the tread width. The big question is, why would you want a smaller tyre size on your car?

Which tire is taller, 70 or 75? ›

Because measurement of sidewall height of the tire is a percentage of the tread section width a 75 tire would be taller than a 70 height aspect ratio tire if the section width was the same.

Can I use 55 tires instead of 60? ›

Most likely yes. The 55 or 60 in this case is the aspect ratio. It's how tall the tire is as a percentage of its width. A 60 means the tire's sidewall height is 60% of the width of the tire.

Can I put 225 60R16 in place of P215 60R16 tires? ›

You could use this size tire however you must consider the following factors: 1- Your speedometer will not be 100% accurate due to the larger diameter tire. 2- Your road noise and handling will differ from that of the original size tires.

Can I use 225 65R17 instead of 235 55r17? ›

Maybe but you'll have some side effects. The 225/65r17 will add ~1.25″ to the overall height which will affect performance, possibly speedometer readings, and almost certainly have clearance issues in the wheel well.

Can I use 205 55r16 instead of 215 55r17? ›

Those 16″ tires cannot be mounted on the 17″ wheels (and vice versa). If these are intended to be a winter set, then the slightly narrow tire will work and should have no problems. The 205 tire is 8.07 inch wide, while the 215 tire is 8.46 inches wide. That is about 0.39″ difference in width.

How do you read tire size for dummies? ›

After tire width, you'll find a slash and a two digit number. This indicates the aspect ratio, which gives the tire height. Aspect ratio specifically is the tire sidewall height as a percentage of the width. A high aspect ratio means that a tire has a larger sidewall while a lower one means a lower sidewall.

What does the 115T mean on a 265 70R17 115T tire? ›

The size ends with the load index 115, which is the maximum weight that each wheel can support, and the speed rating T, which is the maximum speed at which the tire is approved for use.

What is the size difference between a 285 and a 265 tire? ›

The first number in a tire code is the width in mm. A 285 tire is 20mm wider than than a 265 tire. All else being equal, it will have slightly more grip and traction if it fits your vehicle. Obviously a summer 265 will have more dry weather grip than a 285 series all season tire.

What do the 3 numbers after the tire size mean? ›


The three-digit number following the letter is the tire's width (from side to side, looking at the tire head-on) in millimeters. This may also be referred to as the section width.

Can I use 275 tires instead of 265? ›

Yes, these tires should fit just fine. The only difference is that the 265 series tires will be about 10mm shorter in width across the tread in comparison to the 275 series tires. The side wall will also be marginally taller on the 265 series tires.

What does LT mean on a tire? ›

LT-metric (Light Truck) tires are specifically engineered to work with trucks, full size SUVs and Vans. Including also 1/2 ton, 3/4 ton and 1 ton load capacity. An LT tire is basically a reinforced tire with extra steel belt, thicker, stiffer sidewalls and a deeper tread.

Can I use 215 tires instead of 225? ›

Driving Conditions: If you frequently drive in wet or snowy conditions, the added traction of 225 tires could be a safer option. For primarily city or highway driving in good weather, 215 tires might suffice. Vehicle Type: Check your vehicle's manual for the manufacturer's recommendations.


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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.